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What is The Seller Startup Studio?
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Looking for a high yield investment in a reliable industry? Check out our Seller Startup Studio.

What is the Seller Startup Studio?

What is The Seller Startup Studio?
Julia Grant

September 4, 2021

The EcomHub Seller Startup Studio is one of the most unique and exciting programs that we offer. You can find plenty of ways to learn how to launch, scale, and grow an Amazon business with us...but our Seller Startup Studio gives you the chance to own a business without dealing with the hassle of running it.

The Seller Startup Studio is an investment opportunity, not a training ground or an educational program. It is geared toward those who have extra capital that they are looking to invest into a high yield, ever growing industry for guaranteed results. 

Interested in learning more? Keep reading.


Why Should I Invest in E-Commerce?

When most people think about investing, they think of the traditional options. Stocks, bonds, real estate...even cryptocurrency these days. In the past, investing in startups has been a risky business to enter into. And with the demise of brick and mortar stores, investing in physical retail locations or restaurants has been even more volatile.

E-commerce, however, is a largely untapped and massively profitable investment opportunity. There’s no question about it - online business has been on the rise for years, and is only projected to keep growing. Which means if there is one industry that you can rely on going up, it’s this one.

Bar graph showing a steady incline of e-commerce sales from a low of $1,336 billion in 2014 to a high of $6,388 billion projected in 2024.
Source: Statista

Especially in uncertain times such as these, it’s critical to find somewhere to invest that doesn’t rely heavily on the housing market, stock market, or major political events. Bonds, stocks, and real estate are all likely to take a hit when disaster strikes. E-commerce, however, seems to be immune to everything life can throw at it. In fact, sales tend to go up when the rest of the world is shut down. 

Chart showing the rise of e-commerce sales percentage of all global trade from 14% in 2019 to 17% in 2020.
Source: UNCTAD

It’s no question that investing in e-commerce is worth your money. The problem is, e-commerce is a massive field with thousands of different storefronts and startups looking for investor partnerships. Just because someone is operating their business online doesn’t mean it will be a worthwhile investment for you. This is why we’ve chosen to launch our investment program by building businesses on the most reliable e-commerce platform out there: Amazon.

Why is Amazon The Best Option?

Amazon has quickly become the top name in e-commerce in recent years. Did you know that almost half of all online shoppers go to Amazon first to start searching for their products, rather than a normal search engine? Amazon has become a search engine in its own right, serving as the basis for price and value comparison for many online shoppers. 

Pie chart revealing that 44% of shoppers visit Amazon first before searching for products elswhere.
Sources: Transaction and Retail Reinvented

Not surprisingly, Amazon now receives almost 50% of all online purchases. That means half of the e-commerce market is in one place. This certainly narrows down where the best investment opportunities are online. While you may think it wise to simply buy some stocks to get in on the game, we believe there is a better way.

Stocks take a long time to truly be profitable - and even then, you can only gain the assets once you cash out. It’s a guessing game and may be lucrative in the long-term, but often doesn’t get you a return on investment now. When you choose to invest in an Amazon store, you are investing in something that will provide high ROI soon - and consistently. 

Our team of experts has been building, scaling, and running 6 to 7 figure Amazon stores professionally for years. We have it down to a science, and have learned how to utilize the proper amount of start-up capital along with our expertise to easily replicate our success with new stores. 

Just check out the comparison on these ROIs. Honestly, there’s no question here. Investing in Amazon is your next best step. We have the tools to help you do so wisely.

Comparison of return on investment in stocks (9.2%), real estate (9.4%) and Amazon (20%) annually.
Sources: Investopedia, Insider, and Macrotrends

How Does This Partnership Work?

The Seller Start-up Studio is simple. You provide the capital, and we do the legwork. We will work together to pick out a winning product, and then our team will take it from there. We’ll handle account management, marketing, shipping details, inventory, customer service, and all the backend work necessary to make your business grow.

As your store grows, so will your profits. Not only will you generate a new monthly revenue stream, but you will also own a business that you can sell whenever you’re ready. This is a win-win situation for you as an investor. Your partnership gets you consistent income, builds you a strong asset, and allows you the freedom to sell that asset at your convenience (although we recommend waiting to do so for a few years).

Breakdown of your investment.

With your investment, EcomHub takes care of everything you need to see a healthy return:

  • Budget forecasting & inventory planning
  • Advanced product research & market analysis
  • Supplier sourcing, communication, sample ordering* and price negotiation
  • Inspection of samples and supplier selection
  • Graphic design, branding, packaging, logo, infographics, insert card*
  • Photography; white background & lifestyle photos
  • Advanced keyword research & copywriting
  • Inspection of samples & supplier selection
  • Listing creation inside of Amazon Seller Central**
  • Coordinating shipping with an agent in China & 3PL*
  • Help clear customs & coordinate delivery to FBA or 3PL*
  • Management of EcomHub’s Rank & Bank system of client’s store, from when inventory arrives until the store launch is complete (about 4 weeks), including the setup of keywords, URLs, and other technical aspects inside ManyChat & Facebook Ads*
  • Full account management, customer support, ranking, reviews, PPC*, split testing, and optimization

*Sample, insert, marketing, and shipping costs to be incurred by the client. Taxes and duties are also incurred by the client.

**Client is required to provide admin access.

Using our tried and true formula, we will build you a healthy store that will provide you the return you’re looking for on your investment - and grow your assets over time. Once your store is established, it can be worth quite a lot. E-commerce stores with healthy monthly profits can easily sell for upwards of $1,000,000. Let us help you get there!

Is Seller Start-up Studio for Me?

I’ll be honest - Seller Start-up Studio is not for everyone. This is an investment partnership intended only for those with adequate capital who are looking to invest. This is not for you if you are looking for a gig to replace your 9 to 5, or if you’re hoping to learn to run an Amazon store. It’s not for you if you do not have a notable sum of extra capital to invest. 

Seller Start-up Studio is perfect for you if you are looking for somewhere smart to invest your extra capital where it will grow quickly and consistently. Investing in an Amazon store is a no brainer - this field is growing fast and isn’t going anywhere soon. The question is not whether to sell on Amazon, but who you  are trusting to get you positive results on Amazon. We’re here to do that for you.

This industry is the absolute best place to invest your money. When Wall Street dips and the housing market shakes, e-commerce keeps moving upward. 

Choose an investment that you don’t have to worry about. We’ll take care of the details, and you can make the most of your time while enjoying the profits.

Schedule a call to learn more and start investing today!

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It's easier said than done. Our team of professionals has been building, launching, and scaling successful Amazon stores for almost a decade. Let's get you set with our tried and true formula for a highly profitable online business.

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What is The Seller Startup Studio?

Julia Grant

Julia Grant is a copywriter specializing in e-commerce and small business, helping businesses expand their reach with copy that clearly communicates their message and converts. She is a certified translator and interpreter and prides herself on providing culturally relevant content in both English and Spanish.

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